Archive for May, 2006|Monthly archive page

need sleep

A little brain dead now. It's been a rather good first day at work. But it takes a while to adjust from the lifestyle of a night owl and bummer, to a working person wake up at 7am kinda thing. Survived on coke light, coke and coffee today. =p

But all's good. I think i will learn quite a lot from this job. And that's definitely a good thing. Something i wanna do while i'm still fresh and still able to absorb quite easily.

Here's a really cool video i'll leave you all with. It's worth checking out.
It takes a lot of balls to make a video like this.

And here's some other crazy funny videos from some other crazy japs. =)

Razor Ramon hard gheyyy! Hoooo!

Nites world!

laugh the monday blues away

Someone sent me this link. It's quite hilarious.

Go watch it and laugh your monday blues away!

Man, i've really gotta go sleep now!
First day of work, gotta be fresh and all ready to rock! haha
Hope all goes well on my first day of work. Ah well, gotta pray and commit it all to God. Funny how after the whole job search, it culminates in such a way. I'm interestingly not really apprehensive or scared. Maybe a little of both but i don't really feel it nor am not registering it in my mind. But i'm quite excited i guess.

New phase of life.
New friends.
Totally new workplace.
Corporate world, here i come! =)

of sound and men

What's up with soundmen in singapore? It's been much more often than not that i've attended or played at gigs where the soundman is either incompetent, or has a totally crappy attitude. If you don't like your job, at least do it properly, and don't take it out on the musicians. By doing a shitty job, you're not doing justice to the musicians, who have spent many precious hours rehearsing and making sure they sound good and tight on their side. Then during the gig, it all depends on the soundman to make sure the band sounds good. And what do they do (all too often)? Mess up the sound. Slack off. Do a shitty-heck-care job. Not put in any effort. Or just plain suck. Sighhh

Today's gig at earshot was good in terms of how the musicians played. Life Without Dreams played well. So did Camra. But, the soundman was just plain CMI. And i think many bands have had it with bad soundmen. They rehearse hours and hours, only for their set to be spoilt at the crucial moment with a terrible job by an incompetent soundman. How sad. Kudos to LWD and Camra for good sets today. =)

On to other news… I'm happy that Vegas Sands won the IR bid.
Thank goodness they won! The other bids weren't strong in my opinion. Who needs a multi-million or billion-dollar multimedia attraction? Sounds pretty lame though. It's not gonna be something that will make people want to come to singapore for. I mean, sure, it'll be novel and cool for a while. But you're gonna end up spending lots of money always revitalising the attraction. And looking at singapore's track record of revitalising attractions, not very optimistic. I'd much rather have a huuuge sky garden with awesome views of the financial district skyline. That's one thing that is gonna keep people coming back for more. And the wind up there? Oooh. I can't wait for it to be up. It would make a great place to chill. Just hope it won't get too crowded.

I have actually blogged about it before in my old blog. Maybe i'll post the link up another time. Too lazy to find it and link it now. hah.
Now to wait and see how it turns out.

I'm still GAS-sing for a new cymbal. Heh. Terrible.
For the uninitiated, GAS = Gear Acquisition Syndrome.
Frequently happens to musicians.  My bandmates are all GASsers. Well, one could always do with another cymbal, or another snare drum, or another pair of novel sticks. And as for guitarists, there is no such thing as enough pedals. haha.

Oh yes. X-men 3 is a lousy movie.
Not recommended. Only the visual effects are cool. It sorta twists the phoenix storyline (for those who follow the xmen comics),  and the storyline is quite thin.
Hope superman returns won't be a flop when it's out. But then, the director of the 2 previous instalments of X-men is directing that. And the 2 previous X-mens were pretty alright.

ETA to starting work, approx 29 hours.


Oh yes, jolene's blog mentions the NUS business school's latest tv ad.
Sigh, the ad's really quite urgh.
Read more about it there. Tired now, lazy to do a large writeup regarding the nus business school's consistently bad advertisements.

Blow! Blow it!

Catch phrase of the week courtesy of dakai =)

He's started work at Bloomberg,
and i start work at JP next week. =)
We're both temps for the meantime,
just that his conversion to perm is more confirmed,
while mine is a sort of work in progress.
But as long as I do well during my temp period,
i should be able to get my perm placement after that.

And then time to blow! haha

Craving for more Cymbals, especially after buying my Dark Energy Crash.
I love paiste signature cymbals.
I think they are probably the best cymbals out there.
Downside is they come at a price.
Still scouting ebay for more good deals!

Thanks to all those who came by last saturday to support my band!
We really appreciate the support!
It was a good gig overall, and a great turnout.
Randolf is one of the nicest guys to work with,
and he's such an awesome musician too.
*Hats off to randolf*
He made the gig truly enjoyable, and made us feel good as musicians.
So, for now, it's time to join the corporate world.

Finally, dt is no longer a bum! And gainfully employed!

Wooot! =)

stop taking your happy pills

i stole the title off my band’s blog. haha

So, here’s the next gig my band is playing.
we’re playing a different setlist from our barnone gig,
so do come by and enjoy the show if you’re free!

Upcoming gig at Timbre

exciting state of limbo

Things have basically been interesting.
Uncomfortably unsettling in some ways,
especially with regards to the job hunt.
But if all goes well, i should be employed within the next 2-3 weeks.
Pray pray pray.
Gotta do my part and put in my efforts,
and leave the rest to God. =)

But besides that, things have been good.

Things on the band front have been excellent.
We played our first Barnone gig last monday.
It was also the album launch of the "For Good!" cd.
The bassist of The Stoned Revivals really liked our set,
and complimented us. wow.
It is an incredibly flattering compliment coming from him,
and meant a lot to us as a band.
Coz he's an awesome bassist and musician.
He basically stole the show, and was the star of the night.
The way he grooved, shuffled, danced with his bass…
played such cool bass lines,
and held the band together…

It was definitely a good gig, one of dia's best sets.
What a way to debut our new "epic" track,
and to launch the "for good" cd.
Now to polish up our songs even more.

Details of next gig will be posted up soon.
But it'll be held next saturday, 20th May, at Timbre.
Which is located at The Substation garden.

My bro's also coming back this coming monday.
That's definitely good news.
A little weird how times flies so fast,
and after not having had him around at home for half a year,
i've almost gotten used to him not being around.
But it would definitely be very nice to have him back around again.
On another note, it's sad that Chris is out of american idol.
I think he has one of the strongest voices in the competition,
and great stage presence too.
But he'll probably be snapped up even though he is out.
He would make a great singer for any rock band.
With such a great voice, he'll definitely be in demand.
Especially for singing rock stuff. Good luck to him. =)

Singapore Idol's starting soon!
comedy central on 5. Woot.
bet it would be a riot to see the funny wannabes who sing terribly..
hope no more terribly sly kinda singers this time round.
And i really hope the judges up their game,
and offer better critiques and comments.
To ever say that sly sings well is a travesty.
But i'll be realistic, and not expect too much. =p

for good!

To pick up from where my old blog left off…

Here's what the cover of the "For Good!" music compilation looks like.
It's on sale at all major stores now.. Borders/HMV/Sembawang/Gramaphone.
Get a copy and see what singapore bands have to offer!
It's good stuff, and for a good cause too!

for good cd cover 


Finally, finally.
And it was so simple after all.
It took me quite a while to figure out how to get my links to work. Haha.
How silly of me.
Categories for the links, and they all display nicely. Finally.

So, i can finally start my updating of this site.

I want to retire my old blog, and will do so soon.
Right after fixing it up, removing images and all.
The free hosting service for the images on my old blog is no longer free, thus the images that i previously stored there are gone. So, time to remove the images, and keep that blog simple and as a sort of archive of even older entries.

Time to start a new blog. A new phase of life, thus a new blog. =)

Caught Mission Impossible 3 recently. I give it a 3.5/5.0 stars.
Entertaining and typical hollywood action.
This time, there is even some romance, love and relational commitments thrown in.
The plot twists are pretty decent too, and keep the movie interesting.

Thanks jolene for introducing me to wordpress and

I'm gonna try to utilise the rss thingy.
So keep watching this space to see what i have been listening to. =)

Will definitely be doing more to this space in time to come.
Only just starting to figure this thing out, and it's about time i set up my Flickr account. Been procrastinating with regards to that for a while now. But hmm. I think it's about time i sold my old digital camera too. Need to get a new one. My old one is totally obsolete, and it's quite sad that phone cameras are now taking pictures at a higher number of megapixels as compared to my 2 Megapixel digicam.

So, anyone wants to buy a Sony Cybershot P2 for cheeeaaaap? =p 

Agaetis Byrjun

"An alright beginning" in icelandic, also the title of a Sigur Ros album. Time to leave my terribly cobwebbed blogspot blog behind and move on. Already getting quite fascinated with the techieness of this wordpress thing. I like.

 So, in the next couple of days, i should be moving my blog permanently to this blog.

I hope this migration would encourage me to write again. It's just not fun writing in a dying blog which has lost its soul. Furthermore, with these nice minimalistic themes, cool widgets, and an ability to work seamlessly with anobii and flickr… i think i will probably start posting much more entries in this new blog in time to come.